Monday, June 30, 2014

Opening Day at the Utah Shakespeare Festival

Its finally here! This week, we open our shows at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Today will be the opening performances of "Into the Woods" and "The Comedy of Errors". My husband and I are both in "Into the Woods", he as Cinderella's semi-drunk, absent father and me as Red Riding Hood's Granny, the Giant and also Cinderella's Mother. I am over the moon to be a part of this beautiful production and this stellar cast. Here are some production shots of our show followed by my own back stage photos from Instagram. Here we go!

Production photos taken by Karl Hugh.

Actors pictured in the above photos: 
Tina Scariano, James Sanders, Bree Murphy, Brian Vaughn, Melinda Pfundstein, 
Bri Sudia, Natasha Harris, Molly Wetzel, Jack Greenman, Deanna Ott, Misty Cotton, 
Peter Saide, Samantha Allred, Kyle Eberlein, Jason Michael Spelbring.

Ready to take the stage during our last preview performance...

Granny, as designed and rendered by the very talented Bill Black...

Probably the coolest prop I've ever held onstage: the skull of the Big Bad Wolf...


  1. Go Granny, go Granny, go Granny GO! See you in August.

  2. OH HOW WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for sharing


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