Tuesday, April 01, 2014

FOUR Magazine - Jenny Andrews Anderson

I'm so excited for my blog-y friend, Jenny Andrews Anderson, whose artwork is featured this month in the spring issue of FOUR Magazine. You can read the digital copy HERE, but I'm still a paper girl when it comes to periodicals so I ordered a copy HERE. The photos are gorgeous and the articles are fascinating. Win win.


The interview that Jenny gave is honest and insightful. She, like so many artists, came to painting in a circuitous way and describes her journey as "falling into it". She is not the product of years of training at art school. She is not the child prodigy that knew she was going to be an artist since the zygote phase. Jenny simply began to paint. And I feel that this kind of haphazard inspiration is marvelous!

Jenny is first and foremost a color enthusiast. I think the thing that sets her apart is her healthy sense of play and her fantastic eye for composition. She's also an actor, which means she's connected to her instincts and possesses the kind of fearlessness it takes to approach the canvas. She openly admits that she does not have an art process, but rather "a plan". Again, she comes from an acting background where improvisation and saying "yes" to what is on offer are essential skills. A painter with this kind of approach doesn't necessarily need "a process". They are the process. Self use is the tool and the painting is the expression of that self use. Congrats to Jenny on the feature. Her work shines.

The rest of the magazine is just gorgeous! 
Take a look...


  1. What a great post! That magazine looks quite intriguing and I am a magazine addict. Like you, I like mine in paper. Like Jenny I paint and am untrained and simply a colour enthusiast. I have read her blog and seen some of her paintings and both enjoy and relate to her style.

  2. i love you.

    seriously..you get it. you SO get it.

    i wish you lived closer to me.



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