Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Escape Hatch

Yesterday, while minding my own business, the mail man dropped off an astronomical medical bill pertaining to one of my son's recent hospital visits. I opened it, as I have opened hundreds before. It was for a new procedure we had done in February to help Charlie's muscles, which are over-toned due to Cerebral Palsy. We spent an hour in the hospital and received 9 Botox injections. And for these services, the hospital charged our insurance company $8,500.

What?  Yes.  EIGHTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! Our insurance paid their portion. And this bill is for our family's portion, which is $2,700 due immediately. And here's the kicker. The doctor would like to do this same procedure every three months. That's 10,800 dollars a year on top of our deductible and co-pays and adaptive equipment percentages.

And it's not like this is the first big bill of the year. It's the fourth. So, I guess I'm complaining about it here because I'm tired of it. I'm tired of never feeling like we'll get out from under the feet of corporate insurance.  This giant is going to crush anyone unlucky enough to be sick or have cancer or birth a child who needs more than an annual check-up. I love my son dearly and will do whatever I can to help him. But we are one of a million families cracking under the pressure of our broken system.

So..... yeah.

After choking on my tongue and crying to my husband once again about the shameful state of our country's medical system, I've decided to run away. Yep. Running away sounds about right.

Oh and I almost forgot... Happy Tax Day.

"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air..."  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. You are a wonderful Mom. I read your posting and I can understand why you would want to flee.

  2. "Fight or Flight"? It's a struggle to decide sometimes. I'm afraid I chose flight when I could. I could happily join you in any of those places.
    Real life sucks sometimes.

  3. I'll join you in running away. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January. One of the drugs I am getting cost $70,000.00 for the year. CRAZY. Between this, my surgery, chemo, radiation the total cost will near a quarter of a million dollars. And this is on top of the fact that I have a child with type 1 diabetes who racks up her fair share of medical costs. Our system is the pits. At least Obamacare makes sure that both of our children can even get health insurance going forward.

  4. Oh Marla, let's do it. Let's run away! I'm so sorry. And yes - I agree 100 percent... I'm so glad that under the Affordable Care Act my child cannot be denied treatment.

  5. I friend of my had great success with help from the Shriners. Also I would like to introduce you to a wonderful woman named Diana Elizabeth Jordan. She is an actress and impaired rights activist in LA. We were childhood friends, she has cerebral palsy and is without a doubt one of the most amazing women you could ever want to know. I wish you and your son all the best.

  6. Im so sorry Sarah. I hate that our system is this way. Its highway robbery. I would do the same thing and get as far away as possible.


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