Monday, November 16, 2009

Something to collect stuff in.

My studio / office is a mish-mash of pens, paints, pictures, papers and bric-a-brac all looking for a spot to land. I need some little pots or jars or pans or baskets or something to collect my stuff.


  1. When I was in grade one we decorated a jar with decoupaged tissue paper and put a candle inside. Get your kids to decoupage jars in tissue paper (choose your own colours) I decoupaged a shoebox with flower images cut out of garden catalogues. I love it and I store art supplies in it.

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog and I LOVE it! I'm following you now and look forward to reading previous posts and all the new ones to come. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. so weird. i was thinking that i needed this cup in the bathroom for things...,+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=153&navAction=poppushpush&color=&pushId=A_FURN_DINNERWARE&popId=APARTMENT_FURNISH&prepushId=


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